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the continent of Bravord・ブラヴォード大陸
- in the middle is Bretwalde, colored yellow・中は黄色のブレトワルダ
- survivors of the Bretwalde army・ブレトワルダ軍の生存者
- to the east is the Grand Meir, colored orange・東はオレンジのグラン=メル
- to the west are the Central Plains, without color・西は色のない中原
- Cale, to the north・北のケール
- Almeria, to the west・西のアルメリア
- an Anrah Base, slightly north・ちょっと北の闇の教団の本拠ひとつ
- to the south is Shalem, colored purple・南は紫のシャレム
- to the north is Verona, colored pink・北はピンクのヴェローナ
The elements greatly influence the land’s weather and geography. (For instance, where the power of Ice is strong, there will be perpetual snow, and so forth).